c here-rele-chat
Āśvayuja), and the exact time of his final cmancipation as specified particularly in the Kalbastra, would further scem to be the end of the last watch of the night of that day towards the early hours of the morning (9 Chife ) of the next day, which was the first day of the bright fortnight of (both pūrnımánta and amänta ) Kärtika
From the following other Taina works on the other hand, he would appear to have attained Nirvana at the end of the night of the 14th day of the dark fortpight of pīrnimänta Kārtika ( = amänta Asyayuja)i c. cTactly ont day prior to the newmoon day particularized for that event in the afore-cited works. Thus (1) In the Dhavala Siddhanta
पच्छा पाषाणयरे कत्तिय मासे किण्ह चोइसिए ।
सादीए रत्तीए पेस रस छेतु णिवाओ ॥ i. e. Mabāvīra attained Nirvõna in the city of Pāvā in the night of the 14th day of the dará half of purnimanta Kārtika ( = of amanta Agvayuja) when the moon was in conjunction with the asterism Svati. (2) In the Utara Purāna( canto 74 ) of Gunabhadra
कृष्ण कार्तिक पक्षस्य चतुर्दश्या निशाल्यये ॥ ५१० ॥ rationen geus 947) TT 19T: 114?? 11
TES............agier weergeam ll *P3 i e Mahārīta attained Norgāna at the end of the night of the 14th day of the dark fortnight of prirmininta Kārtika (= of amanta Agyayuja ) when the moon was in conjunction with the constellation Syâtı (3) In the Vardhamana Carstra (canto 18 ) of Asaga
स्थित्वेन्दावपि कार्तिकासित चतुर्दश्यो निशान्ते स्थिते ।
स्वाती सन्मतिराससाद भगवान् सिद्धि प्रसिद्धश्रियम् ।। ९८ ॥ i e. Lord Mahāvīra attained Nurvāra at the end of the night of the 14th day of the dark half of piiramanta Kārtika (i e of amänta Asyayuja), when the moon was in combination with the asterism Sväti. (4) In the Prākrit Harmanda Purana of Acārya Śrutakirti,
कातिय मासहु किन्ह चउहसि साइ णखतु याम हुरिमइ णिसि ॥ i. e. Mahāvīra passed away in the 4th watch of the night of the 14th day of the dark ball of the purpimanta Kārtika ( = of the amanta Asyayuje), when the snode was 10 conjunctios with the constellation Svati.
There is thus an apparent discrepancy as to whether Mahavirs attained Nirvana in the night of the 14th day of the dark fortnight of the pürpimänta Kartika ( = of the amanta Ašvaguja) or in the nigbt of the very next day ist: