तस्सण अंतरावासस्स जे से वासाणं चउच्चे मासे सत्तमे पखे कत्तिअ बहुले तरसणं कत्तिय बहुलस्त पनरसी पखेण जा सा चरमा रयणी त रयणि चण समणे भगव महावीरे पावाद...साइणा नक्खत्तेण...पच्चूसकाल समयसि...कालाद...परिनिबुडे | i e. Lord Mahavira attained Nirvana in the city of Pāvā, when the moon was in combination with the constellation Syātı, the 15th lupar mansion, in the early hours of the morning of the night, which was the night of the 15th day of the dark fortnight, and the last oight of that fortuisght of the (pitnamanta) month Kärtıka i e the night of the newmoon day of plinamānta Kārtika (1 e. of the amānta month Agvayuja ), which was the 7th fortnight of the rainy season," which was in its 4th month. Similarly in the Norvăna-bhakts of Pujyapāda Acārya
पद्मवन दीपिकाकुल विविध द्रुमखड मण्डिते रम्ये । पावानगरोद्याने व्युत्सर्गेण स्थितः स मुनिः ॥ १६ ॥ कार्तिक कृष्णस्यान्ते स्वातावृक्षे निहत्य कर्मरजः ।
यवशेष सप्रापद् व्यजरामरममय सौख्यम् ।। १७ ।। 1 e. Mahävira attained Nirvana in a garden in the city of Pâvä at the end of the dark fortnight 1 e on the new moon day, of the pūrnimāpta month Kartika ( = the newmoon day of the amänta month Ašvayuja ), when the moon was in conjunction with the constellation Svāti In the Vardhamana carstra of Acārya Sakalakirti
कार्तिकाख्ये शुभे मासे घमावास्याभिधे तिथौ ।
स्वाति नामनि नक्षत्रे प्रभातसमये वरे ॥ ३३ ॥ 1. e. Malāvira attained Nerväna on the newmoon day of pürnimänta Kārtiba ! = amanta Ašvayaja) when the moon was in conjunction with the asterism Svati, at sunrise.
Io the Kalyāng-mála of Ašādhai a- gate =Mahavira attained Nirvāna on a newmoon day.
From these works, then Mahāvīra would scem to bave passed away on the newmoon day of the pürnīmänta month Kārtika ( = the amanla month
12. In ancient times the year was divided into 3 seasons of 4 months each: summer, rains and winter of these the rainy season lasted from the 1st day of dårl fortnight of the prirnımänta month Srāvana (1 e. of the amanta month Ābidha) to the fullmoon day of the month Kärtīka, lod its 7th fortnight lasted from the 1st day of the dark fortnight of pizzpimanta Kārtila (i < the 1st day of the dark fortaight of amanta Aśrayuja) to the ner moon day of piirgirmanta Körtika (1. c. the nel moon day of amänta Ašvaruje ).