H0 Herite-Pala-tie 1
i. e, the Saka era commenced 605 years and 5 months after the Norväpa of Lord Mahāvira (5) In the Harioanda Purana ( canto 60 ) of Jinastaa Ācārya
वर्षाणां षट्शी त्यक्त्वा पंचायो मासपंचकम् ।
for FELER TARTAAT SHOEI 488 ll i. e. the Saka king came to be, or in other words the Saka era was established, 605 years and 5 months after Mahävira bed attained final emancipation (6) In fhe Triloka-sära" of Nēmicandra Ācārya
पण छस्सय वरस पण मास जुद गमिय वीर णिबुझ्दो ।
BEST ..........................<40 | i. e, the Saka king was, or the Saka era was founded, when 605 years and 5 months bad elapsed after the Nirvana of Mahavira.
From these quotations it appears that the Nirvana of Mahāvica occurred 605 years and 5 months before the Saka era began Noy the Saka era 18 known to have begun op the 1st lugar day of the bright fortnight of the month Caitra in the year 78 A C.1 e on Tuesday the 3rd of March 78 A. C.. so that the Nirvana of Mahavira would seem to have occurred in September or October 527 B C
In Bhadrababu's Kalpa-Sutra ($123 and $ 147) the time of Mabāpīra's Nirvang 18 detailed as follows
11 In hts commentary to this verse Madhavacandra Traividya, a disciple of Nêmicandra, says ( Mänskacand Digambara Jaina grantha-måla. no 12 p. 341 ) श्री वीर निर्वृतः सकाशात् पत्रोत्तर घट्छत वर्षाणि ६०५ पंचमाष युतानि ५ गत्वा पश्चात् विक्रमांक शकराना atra = in 605 years and 5 months after the Norvāna of Sri Mahāvīra there will be the Sala king Vikromānba. If this Vikramänka is the same as the Vikramā. ditya, the founder of the Vibrama era, as he appears to be, then Mädhavacandrı cannot be right 11 that his identification 18 10 atter disregard of the fact that king Vilfamiditya is nowhere spoken of as a Saka king, but 18 10veriably known as Sakārı=the enemy of the Sakas, e gureta: 37677: FIRERATEN af ( steTT),
91... Ai velaferi HEIRA . TAIS:'( wala rasu). And besides from all the so many other quotations given above, it 18 once for all obvious that the differeace of 605 years and 5 months is definitely betwecn the Nuroana of Mahavira and the starting point of the Sala era, while between the Nirvara of Mahatira and the beginning of the Vikrama era the difference is 470 years, Therefore also the word #Trst in this verse can not mean otherwise then the founder of the Sake era. Consequently this curious explanation of Madhavacandre, will have to be duly rejected as erroneous.