भ० महावीर-स्मृति प्रथा
नक्मे मासि सम्पूर्णे चैत्रे मासि त्रयोदशी। दिने शुक्ले शुभ योगे सत्ययमणि नामनि ॥ २६२ ॥
.............महावीरोज जातवान् ॥ २६३ ॥ i. e. on the 13th day of the bright half of the month Caitra, Mabāvīra was born under the constellation, the presiding deity of which is Aryaman = the Sun, ie. the constellation Uttara Phalguni.ta
Now in the Ralpa-sútra ( 5147) Mahārīra is said to have lived 72 years on the whole
वावतार वासाइ सन्चाउयं पालइत्ता। 50 that he had completed 71 years but had not yet completed the 72nd year Then he died. And the same is said about the duration of his life in also the Uttara Purana ( canto74/
द्वासप्तति समाः किंचिदनात्तस्यायुषः स्थितिः ॥ २८० ॥ i.e. his lifetime was a little less than 72 years.
Accordingly he would seem to have been born in the middle of the night (as said in the Kalpa-sútra) of Sunday the 26th February 598 B C., when the moon was in conjunction with the constellation Uttara Phálguni
But in Asaga's Tardhamana Cantra ( canto 17) Mabārira is said to have been born on a monday at the end of the night of the 13th day of the bright half of Caitra, while the moon as in conjunction with the constellation Uttara Pbālguri.
चैत्रे जिन सित तृतीयज्या" निशान्ते
सोमान्हि चन्द्रमसि चोत्तरफाल्गुनिस्ये ॥ ५८॥ If this statement is well-founded, he would seem to have been born at almost about the day-break of Monday the 27th of February 598 B. C, when the moon Tas in conjunction with the constellation of Uttara Pbālguni.
# Himacandra's Abhidhāne-intimari.
घाना... ॥ सा तूतरार्यमदेवा...... ०११-११२) 15 rig-1571 is the 3rd Jøyā-tithi of the lunar month i e. trayodasi or the htuant day of the month