Aferning :
The moon in the 11th and 5th and 9th houses makes a man like a king giv. ing joy to both the families. He becomes like moonlight which dispels darkness.
The above tro rules considcred together show that the Lord Mahavira must have undertaken long travels for the sake of acquisition of knowledge, study of plulosophy and understanding of cultural and ennobling activities, He moved about like a monarch giving joy to all and dispelling ignorancs with the light of knowledge.
The Mars in the Makara rāší which stands in the 1st house ( lagna ) of His horoscope shows service to the world with complcte negation of self interest and the existence of Ketu ncar Mars hcaghtens that quality to the greatest ettent.
Venus and moon standing 120 degrees apart in His horoscope show development of omniscience in Him; make Hin God in-cardate. a Karmayogi and a possessor of Siddhis.
Possession of great vairāgya in Him is indicated by Saturn and Jupiter standing in His horoscope at a distance of 90 degrees from each other.
Generally people are indicated by the Moon which stands in the bhāgyasthān i.e the 9th house of the horoscope under question. The moon is the owner of the 7th house and from moon the Venus is the 9th house 1, e. the 5th house of the horoscope. The 5th house 18 indicative of sons and occult learning. The Venus of Vrishabha rūši shows sculptural arts and cultural activities which bring about harmonious development of the society. This circumstance accounts well for my proposition that the arts of sculpture and science and tho cultural activities with which the country became flooded in post-Mahāvīra times, arose as a consequence of the activities inaugurated by Lord Mahāvīra.
What must have been the facial appearance of the Lord? The astrology sayer
प्रफुलपवनः श्रीमान केंद्रे मुखपतीयदा Prafullavadanah Shrimān Kendre mukhapataugadā
When the Lord of the second house stands in one of the Kendra places, the individual possCBB2B a full blown lustrous and benevolent face. This would show wbat was the facial appearance of Lord Mahāyira.
We shall finish this article by giving one more rule of astrology which will throw great light on the nature of Lord Mahāyira.