भ० महावीर स्मृति मंध
to the rules of astrology and apply them for the interpretation of the horoscope of the Lord. There are two rules one of which runs as under .
परनीभावे पदा राहु, पापयुग्मेन वीक्षितः।
Feiteitenet HFUIT........... Patnībhāve Yadā Rāhuh papayugmenarīkshitah
Patnīyogastadã na syât.. .. Mcaning - When the Rābu appears in the seventh house and is aspected by two evil planets there is no possibility of a wife to the individual.
In the horoscope in question Rāhu stands in the seventh house and is seen by two evil planets Saturn and Mars It appears therefore that there cannot be any wife to Lord Mahāvīra. In other places the rule appears in the following way -
पल्लीभावे यदा राहुः पापयुग्मेन वीक्षित |
पानी थोगस्थिता तस्य भूताऽपि म्रियतेऽचिरात् ।। Patníbhāve Yadā Rābu pāpayugmena Vikshitab
Patni Yogasthitā tasya bhūtapi mripate chirât Meaning - " when Räbu stands in the seventh house and aspected by two eyal planets the wife of the individual remains in expectation and while in expectation she soon dies" This interpretation leads us to the belief that the version given by the Digambar school of Jainism is correct
It has been propounded by me in another article that Lord Mabūvira must have undertaken long travels during the long period of twelve years in which He observed great silence. Astrology tells us that Kanyā rāßı in the 9th house means perfection in philosophy, acquisition of great skill in writing and long travels with an object of learning and study. The boroscope of the Lord contains Kapyā rāśı in the 9th bouse. This horoscope possesses moon in the 9th house. The rule in this respect runs tbus -
लाभे त्रिकोणेयदि शीतरश्मिा ___ करोत्यवश्यं शितिपालतुल्यम् ॥ कुलद्वयानंदकर न
जोत्स्ना हि दीपस्तमनाशकारी ॥ २३ ॥ मानसागरी Lābhe trikone yadı shītarashmīh Karotyavashyam Kshitipäla-tulyam Kuladwayānandakaram narendram Jyotsna hi deepastamanāshakāri