Mary Ricku. S 1 Mercury 7 Saturn
Jupiter Miron
The following rule may be noted
formarea unitza: Fiica 7: Fra 1.
परम पदा जन्म योगोऽयमयतारजः॥ Trikone Sita sädercdyah snochchal.cndragath Karjah.
Chara lagne Tada Janma Yogoyamavatūrazah. Alcasing :
When Venus or Jupiter appears in the 5th or 9th house, when the fullficdged Saturn occupics one of the hendra places (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) and when the birth occurs on Chamlagna then arises the possibility of an Avatāra. All these circumstances are present in the horoscope of Lord Mahāvin. This mcans that Lord Alshayira was an Avatim or a Tirthankara and if we keep in miad the rule that there cannot be more than onc Tírthankara or Aavatāra at arc and the same time and in one locality, we must hold that no other person can claim to risc to the staturc of a Tirthaplars at that time. The prescence of large following is immaterial and such following with a contemporary of His does not detract any importance from Lord Mahāvima. It 18 said by one of the Acharya -
- praforguer talented
दुर्नपानामनुतिरस्यापनं लक्ष्यतां स्फुटम् ॥ - Sarmatim muktvā Sheshatirthankarodaye
Durnayānāmanudbhütikhyāpanım Lakshyatām sphutam Meaning :
It should be noted that crring faiths did not arise at the time of the remaining Tirthankarı cxcepting Lord Mabūvira.
In the case of Lord Mahavira there has arisen a point of great contest between different schools of Jainism. The Svetāmbara Jains hold that Lord Mahävira was married and had a daughter from that marriage, while the Digambara school asserts with definiteness that Lord Mahāvīra was a bachelor and that there was a talk going on about His marriage, but actual marriage had not taken place It is a serious question as to wby there should be such a great difference between the two schools We think it wise to approach