In continua innir my introduction to first volumc of Sri Jaina 5,741.1, Blyton Gamlhasil, I hic prc.lt pleasure in introducing the Sacond Volume or thic mc erics Liis the rirsi Volume the Second Volume contains descriptions of orc than One Thousand Sanskrit. Priit, 07.1974:0 nich llind: Manuscripts prcscrved in Shy'r-'17; 11 - One ital LiirasArrah It has been prepared s'escals schuren; in the Suicntis Methodolors adopted in First Volc. in the introduction to lirst Volume, I have discussed in dot !11-ins points scelto the logic in encial and Sub ) 2190 11.7 sa Blg . Gi Vyle in particular.
The Second in lume i n disided into two parts. In the first part deco inaon4 of m uscripis h 114 heen riven, and in the second port the sun the openinr and closin portions of MSS along with Colophons hiichron recorded in Devineri scripes. Thc MSS have leon kiired stuler sore reneral leads like Purana-CaritaKathr, D4 ,11-Dirkan ilir. ctc This classification hclps a common ler. These who want to romin details, thy should h1v31leen 1 on the contents shile loolin' on the titles. Thc WISS recorder under the held os hotho (nos 998 to 1026 ) arc the part of 1.1 ar Pir- birini not related with the narrative liter.lture in iis siris scnse
Thc minuturipts rounded in the present volumc have their own importunc By public.1110111 of this volumc thcs have becamc acccssable to scholars, ind more could he best adjudged when utilized for stir: or critical cdiisons, llcrc I would like to draw the attention on certain points which seems to me significant to this voli me
It has been generally observed by scholars and religious critics that due importance to Bha!! and Karmaka nila (rituals ) have hot becas given in Jaina rcligion A large number of MSS iccorded ne prescal volumc arc iclated to various type of rituals, devo
songs- ilot ras-Slulr-Pūji Patha. Pralistha ctc and other related matters The number and varicty of MSS clearly testify that
inan and Karmakanda occupy an important position in Jaina Trao on It is truc that according to Jainism Bhakti and Kriyalada alone call not lead to libcration or Molsa