In this volume seven more MSS of Dravyasmgraha have been recorded. It shows the popularity of the treatise All the MSS related to it should be taken into considera'ion while undertaking a critical study of the Text
Some important Prakrit and Apabhramia MSS Iki Samaya sara (1165-1168, Pravicanasara (1158-1163), Satpahada (11721173), Kartikeyanupreksa (1133) Paramatmaprakāśa (1154, 1155) have also been recorded in this volume.
Seventeen MSS relating to Indian medicine i e Ayurveda have been mentioned some of which like Aştängahrdaya of Vägbhata (1344, Sarangadhara-samhita (1356) o Saradatilaka (1355), Madanavinoda (1349) deserve special mention
A good number of MSS is related to stotra literature Some of them are close to tantra It is true that Tantrism could not be developed in Jainism like some other schools of Indian religions, still some trends can be seen in the works like Padmavati salpa, Jiālāmāliníkalpa, Sarasvatĺkalpa etc
In the end I like to thank the editors and publishers for bringing the Second Volume with in a short time after the publication of first volume I do hope that the same enthusiasm will conti nuc in preparing and publication of other volumes of the Catalogue
-Dr Gokul Chandra Jain