between Kallata on the one hand and Kshemaraja' and Bhatta Bhaskara on the other, had distanced the true tradition from the both or that both the interpretations existed even at the time of Kallata. A careful study of the two Vartikas will show the reader the differences between the two interpretations of the sutras.
The date of Varadaraja alias Krishnadas, the author of this work, is not positively
known. All that can be The date of tho author. said with regard to it is
that he lived sometime before the beginning of the 16th century A. O. The reason for the assertion is that Bhaskararaya, the commentator of the Lalitasahasranama and a contemporary of Narayana Bhatta, belonged to the latter half of the same century according to the statement of Kamalakara Bhatta, the author of the Nirnayasindhu and grandson to Narayana Bhatta.
In the closing lines of his Vartika, Varadaraja gives a short description of his
parentage. He says that Family connection of the he was the youngest son
of Madhuraja. The appearance of the word "raja' in the names Madhuraja and Varadaraja on the one hand and Gambhiraraja and Bhaskararaja on the
author with Bhaskararaya.