Little need be said on the philosophical contents of the Vartika, as the reader is already made aware of them in the Shivasutravimarshini and allied works brought out by this Department It is written entirely in the light of the interpretation given to the Shivasutras by Kshemaraja in the Shivasutravimarshini. Varadaraja also puts his faith in the traditional history of the origin of the Shivasutras.
The Shivasutra-vartika, forming No. 7 of the Series, by Bhatta Bhaskara who claims to have inherited an accurate interpretation of the sutras through a succession of teachers from Bhatta Kallata, one of the chief disciples of Vasugupta, differs from the present one inasmuch as Varadaraja depends entirely on the interpretation of Kshemaraja.
Both Kshemaraja and Bhatta Bhaskara, though laying claim to one common source, differ from each other in their views as to the meaning of the sutras, In absence of any extant work on the sutras by Kallata, it is very difficult to decide which of the two authors inherited the true traditional interpretation. But differences in their respective expositions lead one to suppose either that the distance of time, that elapsed