The study of the Prajñāpāramitā literature is to be taken up again, chiefly with the help of the large amount of commentaries upon it still preserved specially in Chinese and Tibetan translations. The investigation of this literature has attracted my attention and it is my purpose to publish a series of studies on the subject.
First of all we must begin by editing the most important available commentaries or at least those which will help us not only to distinguish the various schools of interpretation, but also to understand the full import of the Prajña-literature and the place it must be given in the general evolution of Buddhist thought.
This volume contains the commentary on the Astasahasrika-prajña paramita and at the same time on the Abhisamayalankaraloka of Maitreya written by Haribhadra (or Simhabhadra). The second volume will contain the commentary on the Abhisamayalankara by Arya-Vimuktisena and the third the abstracts of the most important sections of the Mahaprajaparamitasastra of Nagarjuna lost in its Sanskrit original but preserved in a Chinese translation.
In the second volume I shall collect, chiefly from Tibetan sources, the available material on Vimuktisena and Haribhadra and edit the fragments brought back from Nepal of the commentary of Haribhadra himself on the Abhisamayalankarakarika. I will also discuss the bearing of these treatises on the development of Buddhist ideals and mysticism. As to the manuscripts used for this edition they are:
A. A Nepalese manuscript on paper of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (on which see R. L. MITRA, Nepalese Buddhist Literature, p. 194,) generally incorrect.