B. A modern copy of a palm-leaf manuscript of the Durbar Library, Kathmandu, very kindly put at my disposal by Sylvain Levi. It is, if we except some portions written by a second hand, generally more correct than the other though, as usual with new copies, clerical crrors are here also frequent.
N. The palm-leaf manuscript itself preserved in the Durbar Library. The front page is missing and three leaves inside are also missing. It is extremely correct. I asked for the permission of having it on loan and His Highness the Maharaja most graciously agreed to my request. In this way I was able to correct in many à place the readings of my copy already in the press.
In doubtlul passages reference has been made to the Tibetan translation of the work (bs Tang-AGYUR. 1do. 05) which was always carefully compared, by the editor, with the Sanskrit text.
Before concluding these introductory remarks I feel obliged to express my deepest gratitude to His Highness the Maharaja Bhum Sham Sher, to Prof. Sylvain Levi, to the authorities of the Asiatic Society and to its Secretary Doctor van Manen always so sympathetical to scholars, and to the learned editor of the Cuckwad's Oriental Scries. The Baptist Mission Press must also be thankfully remembered here for carrying through the press this volummous work in the most unfavourable circumstances, since the exchange of proofs proved very dilticult on account of my continuous travelling and shifting even to countries of no easy access.
Árinugur, 25-10-1931.