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Kalaya Pahud Sutta [15 Charitramoha-Kshapanaadhikaara. 1088. The first time-knowing of the Kalaya, the twelfth, destroys the countless parts of the single aggregate-Kalaya, beginning with the leading Kalaya, and so on, by means of the destruction of the powers of the Kalayas, which are transformed into the lower Kalayas by the transformation-blow. (In the same way, the transformation-blow should be known in the second and subsequent times. The only difference is that the Kalayas destroyed in the first time are successively countless times less than the Kalayas destroyed in the second and subsequent times.) ||1088||
Churnisu - Leaving the first aggregate-Kalaya of the burning anger, the remaining eleven aggregate-Kalayas create other unprecedented Kalayas below and in the interval. ||1089||
Doubt - From which region-front does it create those unprecedented Kalayas? ||1090||
Solution - It creates those unprecedented Kalayas from the region-front of the being-killed and the being-transformed. ||1091|| - Churnisu - It creates a few unprecedented Kalayas from the region-front of the being-killed. But it creates countless times more unprecedented Kalayas from the region-front of the being-transformed. Those unprecedented Kalayas which are emitted from the region-front of the being-killed are emitted from all four first aggregate-Kalayas. ||1092-1093||
Doubt - In which space, that is, in which interval, does it emit those unprecedented Kalayas? ||1094||
Solution - It emits those unprecedented Kalayas in the intervals of the component Kalayas of each aggregate-Kalaya. ||1095||. Doubt - Does it create those unprecedented Kalayas in all the Kalaya-intervals? Or does it not create them in all the Kalaya-intervals? ||1096||
Solution - It does not create unprecedented Kalayas in all the Kalaya-intervals. ||1097||.
Doubt - If it does not create unprecedented Kalayas in all the Kalaya-intervals, then in which intervals does it create those unprecedented Kalayas? ||1098||