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## Translation:
Description of the ownership of the inferior *kṣīrasthitika* (milk-like state) compared to the four *utkarṣa* (excellence) states, the scarcity of *kṣīrasthitika* natures, 231 the right to the state.
Description of the *utkṛṣṭasthitiprāptak* (achiever of excellent state), *niṣekasthitiprāptak* (achiever of fertilized state), " *yathāniṣekasthitiprāptak* (achiever of state as fertilized) and *udayasthitiprāptak* (achiever of arising state) karmas (actions), their enumeration and their *mithyātva* (falsehood) etc., the ownership of the *utkṛṣṭasthitiprāptak* etc. karmas, the scarcity of the *utkṛṣṭasthitiprāptak* etc. karmas.
- Right
Information about bondage and transition by the author, transition - right to the state,
The beginning of transition - description, description of the nature of transition by the author, description of the ownership of the nature of transition, the time of the nature of transition, the difference of the nature of transition, the nature of transition compared to various beings.
Breaking down the subject
Table of Contents
Description of the proximity of the nature of transition, the scarcity of the nature of transition, enumeration of the transition of the nature of the state, description of the *pratigraha* (receiving) states, transition states in the *pratigraha* states, depiction of the *pratimaha* (counterpart) states of the transition states, description of the transition states in the *sattva* (being) states, transition states in the *guṇa* (quality) states and *pratigraha* states.
Depiction of the transition states in the *mārgaṇa* (path) states,
Description of the transition states and *pratigraha* states in the *mārgaṇa* states, depiction of the transition states in the *sattva* states of the *mohaniya* (delusive) karma.
Depiction of the transition states in the *bandha* (bondage) states of the *mohaniya* karma, description of the natures of the transition states, the time of the transition states, the difference of the transition states, the scarcity of the transition states.
Right to the state-transition
Types and meaning of the state-transition
Description of the deposition and replacement of the state,
Description of the deposition and replacement compared to the *nirvyāghāta* (non-obstruction),
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Description of the deposition and replacement compared to the *vyāghāta* (obstruction),
Description related to the state-transition,
Description of the ownership of the excellent and inferior state-transition,
Description of the time and difference of the state-transition compared to one being,
Breaking down the subject of the state-transition compared to various beings,
Description of the time of the state-transition compared to various beings,
The scarcity of the state-transition compared to the *śrogh* (speed),
The scarcity of the state-transition compared to the *naraka* (hell) realm,
Ownership of the *bhujākara* (arm-like) state-transition,
The time of the *bhujākara* state-transition, the difference of the *bhujākara* state-transition,
Breaking down the subject of the *bhujākara* state-transition compared to various beings,
The time of the *bhujākara* state-transition compared to various beings,
The difference of the *bhujākara* state-transition compared to various beings,
The scarcity of the *bhujākara* state-transitions.