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Ga 162)
The explanation of the action of the destruction of the attachment to conduct and the action of making it auspicious is not understood, nor is it known. 693. The lower ones among the collected auspicious ones are not understood, nor are they known, they are few. 694. The auspicious ones that are known, but not bound, are special and many. 695. Above the first collected auspicious ones, the auspicious ones that are not understood, nor are they known, are special and many. 696. Above them, the ones that are known, but not bound, are special and many. 697. In the middle, the auspicious ones that are both understood and bound are countless in number.
698. The one who knows the auspicious ones should be considered as such. 699. The one who makes auspicious ones should be considered as such. 700. There are eleven root verses in this. 701. The explanation of the first root verse. (109) How many auspicious ones are there, and how many auspicious ones are there in each of the passions?
What is the cause of making auspicious, and what is the characteristic of the auspicious? ||162||
702. There are four meanings of this verse. 703. There are three commentary verses. 704. The first commentary verse is explained in two meanings. Its explanation is as follows.
Two collected auspicious ones are not bound and do not attain liberation. The lower ones among the first collected auspicious ones, which are not bound and do not attain liberation, are few. The auspicious ones that attain liberation, but are not bound, are special and many. Above the first collected auspicious ones, the auspicious ones that are not bound and do not attain liberation, are special and many. Above them, the ones that attain liberation, but are not bound, are special and many. In the middle, the auspicious ones that are both bound and attain liberation are countless in number. ||686-697||
Churnisu - Here, the time of the auspicious one should be stopped. (Because the meaning of the verse-sutra cannot be properly discussed without explaining the meaning of the verse-sutra bound by the time of making auspicious.) In the time of making auspicious, the meaning of the first verse-sutra should be touched upon. There are eleven root verses in this matter. Of these, the explanation of the first root verse is given. ||698-701||
How many auspicious ones are there, and how many auspicious ones are there in each of the passions? What is the cause of making auspicious, and what is the characteristic of the auspicious? ||162||
Churnisu - There are four meanings of this verse. ||702||
Special meaning - The first meaning is how many auspicious ones are there in total, collectively, in all four passions. The second meaning is how many auspicious ones are there in each of the passions separately. The third meaning is what is the cause of the rise and fall in the time of making auspicious, and the fourth meaning is what is the characteristic of the auspicious.
Churnisu - There are three commentary verses that explain the meaning of the above root verse. The first commentary verse is explained in two meanings. Its explanation is as follows. ||703-704||