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Gatha 161] Exposition of the Karmic Activities of the Passions of Conduct-deluding (Charitra-moha) and Horse-ear (Ashva-karna)
501. In the first moment, the initial divisions of the novel passions that arise are few. 502. The initial divisions of the final novel passions are infinitely more. 503. The initial divisions of the previous passions are infinitely more. 504. Just as the novel passions of greed (lobha) have been described in the first moment, similarly, the novel passions of delusion (maya), pride (mana), and anger (krodha) should also be described.
505. In the first moment, the novel passions that arise, the passions of anger (krodha) are the least. 506. The novel passions of pride (mana) are particularly more. 507. The novel passions of delusion (maya) are particularly more. 508. The novel passions of greed (lobha) are particularly more. 509. The distinction is an infinite fraction.
510. Even among these, in the final moment, the initial divisions of the novel passions of greed (lobha) have a very small indivisible limit. 511. The initial divisions of the novel passions of delusion (maya) have a particularly more indivisible limit. 512. The initial divisions of the novel passions of pride (mana) have a particularly more indivisible limit. 513. The initial divisions of the novel passions of anger (krodha) have a particularly more indivisible limit. 514. Thus, the initial divisions of the four contending (passions) do not reach the end of the infinite fractional increase, until then the process of infinite fractional increase continues. Beyond this, the process of infinite fractional increase for the final contender should be understood.