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## English Translation:
**Verse 123**
**Explanation of the special action that pacifies the karma**
**473.** The number of *guna* for the *sthitibandha* of *nama* and *gotra* karma is innumerable.
**474.** The *sthitibandha* of *vedaniya* karma is even more numerous.
**475.** When the *sthitibandha* of the three *ghātiya* karmas for an innumerable number of years occurs, at that very time, four types of *jñānāvaraṇīya*, three types of *darśanāvaraṇīya*, and all five *antarāya* karmas become *dvi-sthānīya* (two-fold) in nature, meaning they are like vines and trees, compared to the *anubhāga-bandha* (single-fold) nature.
**476.** After the passage of an innumerable number of thousands of years of *sthitibandha*, the *napumsaka-veda* becomes pacified.
**477.** At that very time, the *napumsaka-veda* is discarded and deposited outside the *udaya-avali* in the form of a *guna-śreṇī* (series of qualities).
**478.** This deposition of the *guna-śreṇī* is similar to the deposition of the *guna-śreṇī* of other karmas. The rest is deposited in the same way.
**479.** When the *napumsaka-veda* is pacified, until the *antarakaraṇa-dhāṇu* (inner organ) is attained, during this intermediate period, in the innumerable parts of the passage of time, the *sthitibandha* of the *mohaniya* karma becomes innumerable years in duration.
**480.** At that very time, the *bandha* and *udaya* of the *mohaniya* karma become *dvi-sthānīya* in nature, compared to the *anubhāga-bandha*.
**481.** There is no rule that the *udīraṇā* (awakening) of all beings who are falling from the eleventh *guṇa-sthāna* (stage of qualities) occurs only after the passage of six *avali* (cycles) of the *udaya-avali*. The *udīraṇā* occurs after the passage of the *bandha-avali* (cycle of binding).
This verse explains that for a being ascending the *upasama-śreṇī* (path of pacification), the *udīraṇā* of newly bound karmas can only occur after the passage of six *avali* of the *vadha-avali* (cycle of destruction). However, this rule does not apply to beings descending the *śreṇī*. For them, the *udīraṇā* of bound karmas occurs after the passage of the *bandha-avali*.
Some *ācāryas* (teachers) interpret this verse to mean that even when a being is falling from the eleventh *guṇa-sthāna*, as long as the *sthitibandha* of the *mohaniya* karma is a finite number of years, the rule of six *avali* for *udīraṇā* still applies. However, when the *sthitibandha* of the *mohaniya* karma becomes an innumerable number of years, this rule no longer applies.