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## Chapter 123: Description of the Form that Quells the Attachment to Conduct
**17.** The *sthi-sattva* (state of being) that exists in the first moment of *apuurva-karan* (the state of not having done anything before) is less than the *sthi-sattva* in the last moment of *apuurva-karan* by a number of times. **18.** When the *san-kheya* (countable) parts of the *anivritti-karan* (state of not being stopped) of a being who is *darshan-mohaniya* (subject to the delusion of perception) are exhausted, the *asankheya* (uncountable) *samaya-pravaddha* (time-bound) *udirana* (arising) of the *samyak-tva-prakriti* (nature of right faith) takes place. **19.** Then, within a *muhurta* (moment), the *darshan-mohaniya* is separated.
**Commentary:** The *sthi-sattva* in the first moment of *apuurva-karan* is less than the *sthi-sattva* in the last moment of *apuurva-karan* by a number of times. (Similarly, the *sthi-sattva* in the first moment of *anivritti-karan* is less than the *sthi-sattva* in the last moment of *anivritti-karan* by a number of times.) When the *san-kheya* parts of the *anivritti-karan* of a being who is *darshan-mohaniya* are exhausted, the *asankheya* *samaya-pravaddha* *udirana* of the *samyak-tva-prakriti* takes place. Then, within a *muhurta*, the *darshan-mohaniya* is separated.
**Special Meaning:** The being who separates the *darshan-moha* (delusion of perception) leaves behind the *sthi-sattva* of the *samyak-tva-prakriti* that is the size of a *muhurta*, and also leaves behind the *udaya-avali* (series of arising) of *mithyatva* (false belief) and *samyak-mithyatva* (mixed belief). The separation takes place in the remaining *sthi-sattva*. Because the *pradesa-agra* (point of origin) of these *sthi-sattva* that are being separated is not bound, there is no transition to the second *sthi-sattva*. Instead, all the *dravya* (substance) is brought and deposited in the first *sthi-sattva* of the *samyak-tva-prakriti*. Similarly, the *pradesa-agra* of the second *sthi-sattva* of the *samyak-tva-prakriti* is separated and deposited in the first *sthi-sattva* as a *guna-shreni* (series of qualities). In the same way, the *pradesa-agra* of the second *sthi-sattva* of *mithyatva* and *samyak-mithyatva* is separated and deposited in the first *sthi-sattva* of the *samyak-tva-prakriti*, and also in the *sthi-sattva* that are not being separated, but not in their own *antar-sthi-sattva* (intermediate states). The *mithyatva* and *samyak-mithyatva* *prakriti* that are in the same *sthi-sattva* as the first *sthi-sattva* of the *samyak-tva-prakriti* transition to the first *sthi-sattva* of the *samyak-tva-prakriti* from the *pradesa-agra* that is outside the *udaya-avali*. This process continues until the *antar-karan* (inner process) reaches the two extreme *phala* (fruits). Then, at the time of the fall of the last *phala*, the *pradesa-agra* of all the *antar-sthi-sattva* of *mithyatva* and *samyak-mithyatva* transition to the first *sthi-sattva* of the *samyak-tva-prakriti*. Similarly, the *dravya* related to the extreme *phala* of the *samyak-tva-prakriti* does not transition elsewhere, but only to its own first *sthi-sattva*. The *pradesa-agra* of the second *sthi-sattva* is also deposited in the first *sthi-sattva* until the *avali* (series) and *pratyavali* (counter-series) remain in the first *sthi-sattva*. After that, the work of *agala* (forward movement) and *pratyagala* (backward movement) is finished. At this time, there is no arrangement in the form of a *guna-shreni*, but *udirana* continues from the *pratyavali*. When a *samaya-adhik* (time-excess) *avali* remains, the *udirana* of the lowest *sthi-sattva* of the *samyak-tva-prakriti* takes place. Then, in the last moment of the first *sthi-sattva*, the time of *anivritti-karan* ends, and after that time, the being becomes *samyak-drishti* (right-seeing). At that time, until the *muhurta* of the attainment of *pramo-pashama-samyak-tva* (the first stage of right faith), is there a transition of the qualities of *mithyatva* here as well...