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## Translation:
**Chapter 114] Exposition of the Difference in Opinions Regarding the State of Samyaktvaprakriti**
**52.** Thus, after the passage of countless thousands of *sthiticandaka-ghata*s in the *palyopam*a, the awakening of countless *samyakprabandha*s of *samyaktvaprakriti* begins.
**53.** Then, after the passage of many *sthiticandaka-ghata*s, the *mithyatva* situated outside the *udayavali* is completely destroyed. The remaining portion of the *palyopam*a belongs to *samyaktvaprakriti* and *samyagmithyatva*.
**54.** Then, when the *mithyatva* is about to be destroyed, its *jghannya sthiticankrama* (inferior state transition) and *utkrista pradesacankrama* (superior region transition) occur. At the same time, the *utkrista pradesasattva* (superior region state) of *samyagmithyatva* occurs.
**55.** Then, after the passage of two *samya*s less than the *avali* duration, the *jghannya sthiticankrama* of *mithyatva* occurs.
**56.** When the *mithyatva* reaches its final *samyakcankrama* (transition to *samyak* state), countless portions of *samyaktvaprakriti* and *samyagmithyatva* are destroyed.
**57.** Thus, by means of countless *sthiticandaka-ghata*s, all the *mithyatva* situated outside the *udayavali* of *samyagmithyatva* is destroyed.
**58.** At that time, there are two teachings regarding the state of *samyaktvaprakriti*. Some *acharyas* of the *apravahyamanaparampra* (uninterrupted tradition) say that at that time, the state of *samyaktvaprakriti* is a countable number of thousands of years...