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## Verse 85:
**Explanation of the Four Locations, Binding, Knowledge, and Proximity (31)**
Which location does the soul, knowing, become bound to, and which location does the soul, not knowing, remain unbound from? ||84||
**(32)** The non-knowing soul binds to the location of the vine-like and the tree-like. The knowing soul is capable of being in all four locations. Similarly, one should follow the binding and unbinding in all the paths. (16) ||85||
**Special Meaning:** This verse-sutra answers all the above questions in the form of a geographical survey. A brief explanation is given here based on the Jayadvala. The statement "The non-knowing soul binds to the vine-like and tree-like locations" also implies that it does not bind to the bone-like and rock-like locations. The reason for this is that the non-knowing soul lacks the superior afflictions that are the cause of binding to the bone-like and rock-like locations. It is important to know that the non-knowing soul binds to both these locations in an undivided form, as it is impossible for them to bind to these two locations in a divided form. The solution to the question of how the knowing soul binds to these locations is that the knowing soul is capable of being in all four locations. This means that it may bind to the one-location, two-location, three-location, or four-location. The reason for this is that the knowing soul possesses the afflictions and purity that are the cause of binding to all four locations. Just as the question of binding has been decided by taking the knowing path as a basis, the same way one should decide the location of the knowing, the cessation, and the state of being, based on the above locations. For example, the knowing in the non-knowing soul is only in the two-location, because they do not have the results that are the cause of knowing in the four-location. The cessation in the non-knowing soul is found in the one-location, two-location, three-location, and four-location. It is only important to know that the non-knowing...