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Here is the translation into English with the Sanskrit words preserved:
**Ga. 62**
Regarding the classification of bonding and the five categories - analysis of smallness and bigness
626. **Tisanjalṇa - TiVedāṇa** refers to the bond related to **Mukkassa Pad**.
627. The **Ukkassiya** Pad's auspiciousness has countless virtues.
628. The **Ukkassa Pad** is auspicious with countless virtues.
629. The **Ukkastapa** Pad is inferior with countless virtues.
630. The **Ukkassa Pad** has special qualities or characteristics.
631. The bond of **Lobhasañjalṇa** is the least among the mentioned auspiciousness.
632. The auspiciousness of **Ukkassa Pad** has countless virtues.
633. The **Ukkassa Pad** is auspicious with countless virtues.
634. The **Ukkassa Pad** has countless virtues.
635. The **Ukkassa Pad** has special qualities or characteristics.
**Sañjvalana of Anger, etc.:**
The **Churnisūtra** states: Anger, etc. has three **Sañjvalana** types, and among these, the superior region bond of the three Vedas is said to be the least. The superior region bond of **Sañjvalana** (anger, etc.) is through their superior region - **Udīraṇa**, which has countless qualities. The superior region - **Udaya** that arises from this superior region - **Udīraṇa** has countless qualities too. The superior region - **Saṃkrama** resulting from the superior region - **Udaya** has countless qualities. Particularly, the superior region - **Saṃkrama** further causes an increase in excellent karma **(sattakarma)**.
626-630. The superior region bond of the **Lobhasañjalṇa** is stated as the least among the auspiciousness. The superior region bond of **Lobhasañjalṇa** manifests as its superior region - **Saṃkrama**, bearing countless virtues. From the superior region - **Saṃkrama**, we get the superior region - **Udīraṇa**, full of countless virtues. The superior region - **Udīraṇa** of **Lobhasañjalṇa** leads to the superior region - **Udaya**, which has countless virtues too. The superior region - **Udaya** of **Lobhasañjalṇa** generates an increase in excellent karma.
1. What is the reason? The substance implied with the joining of **sāpichidhi** and other attributes has a binding time. (Jayadha)
2. **Kudo**. Regarding the intentions, if something is eligible for it based on pure **appappiṇṇa** directly or indirectly occurring during bound timing, it must be taken cautiously. (Jayadha)
3. What is the virtue? In the portion of countless qualities, what arises from it is abundant. (Jayadha)
4. What is the virtue? The countless qualities emerge here from the foundation, related to propensity. What is the reason? Everything is subject to the fitness of the full **Ukkassa**. (Jayadha)
5. What is this specific measurement? Once again, due to **appappiṇṇa** factors, it doesn't transform into a regular point of occurrence; thus it's distant from this method. (Jayadha)
6. **Kudo**, regarding causal phenomena, unless a specific countermeasure is managed carefully, we lack a time-bound region... Yet the virtue appears amidst endless possibilities. (Jayadha)
7. What is the reason? The bond arising is not only on the **Ukkassa** capacity extending to **Lobha**, hence it remains through an abundance of cycles. The **Udīraṇa** generates all blindness-inducing materials with utmost time reservation. The count is the time-organized presence that embodies it within regulatory bounds, thus forming qualities. (Jayadha)
8. What is **suhumasa** in relation to all attributes? Here the virtue impacts fullness in a certain extent. (Jayadha)
9. What is this isolate? The specific properties once stated indicating irrelevant occurrence within resultant paired contrasts do not have such effects. (Jayadha)
This translation maintains the original context and meaning of the Sanskrit terms while providing clarity in English.