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## [Verse 62] Description of the Relative Abundance of the Five Categories of Bondage, etc.
**514.** The states that are aroused and those that are in transition are more abundant than the states of bondage, even though they are equal to them.
**Commentary:** Their measure is less than seventy koḍakoḍi sagaras, like the measure of the bondage-chain.
**515.** The states that are aroused are more abundant than the states that are in transition.
**Commentary:** Because all the states that are arising are aroused, but the state of arising that is being perceived at that moment is also included in this. Therefore, one should know that there is more abundance here than just one state.
**516.** The state of good karma is more abundant than the states that are aroused.
**Commentary:** Because the measure of good karma is a full seventy koḍakoḍi sagaras. Here, there is more abundance than just two āvalis of time. The reason for this is that the arising-chain is seen to enter here along with the bondage-chain.
**517.** In the same way, one should know the relative abundance of the sixteen kṣayās, beginning with the endless attachment.
**Commentary:** When speaking of the relative abundance of the states of the kṣayās, etc., one should say forty koḍakoḍi sagaras instead of seventy koḍakoḍi sagaras.
**518.** The states that are in transition and those that are aroused, due to the excellence of the nature of right conduct, are less abundant than the categories to be described, even though they are equal to each other.
**Commentary:** Because their measure is less than seventy koḍakoḍi sagaras, like the measure of one antarmuhūrta and an āvali.
**1.** How is this so? The states that are aroused are all aroused. But the state of arising that is being perceived at that moment is also aroused, from the time of the arising. Therefore, one should know that there is more abundance here than just one state.
**2.** How is this so? The states that are aroused are all aroused. But the state of arising that is being perceived at that moment is also aroused, from the time of the arising. Therefore, one should know that there is more abundance here than just one state.
**3.** How is this so? Because the measure is a full seventy koḍakoḍi sagaras. How much more abundance is there? There is more abundance than two āvalis of time, because the arising-chain enters here along with the bondage-chain.