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Fasāya Pāhuḍa Sutta [5 Saṃkrama-Arthādhikāra]
706. In the case of one who has renounced all attachments, the places of transition (pradeśasaṃkramastḥānāni) are less. 707. In the case of anger, the places of transition are more. 708. In the case of deceit, the places of transition are more. 709. In the case of greed, the places of transition are more. 710. In the case of one who has renounced five attachments, the places of transition are more. 711. In the case of anger, the places of transition are more. 712. In the case of deceit, the places of transition are more. 713. In the case of greed, the places of transition are more. 714. In the case of infinite attachment, the places of transition are infinitely more. 715. In the case of anger, the places of transition are more. 716. In the case of deceit, the places of transition are more. 717. In the case of greed, the places of transition are more.
718. In the case of laughter, the places of transition are innumerable.
719. In the case of the Tiryañca gati (animal realm), the places of transition for the five-sensed and the imperfect (aparyāptaka) are less, just as in the case of the one-sensed beings. In the case of the imperfect human beings, the places of transition are less, just as in the case of the five-sensed imperfect beings.
Cūrṇi Sūtra - (In comparison to the sense organs) the places of transition for the non-renunciation attachment (apratikhyānamāna) are the least in the one-sensed beings. From the non-renunciation attachment, the places of transition increase greatly in the non-renunciation anger, non-renunciation deceit, and non-renunciation greed. From the non-renunciation greed, the places of transition increase greatly in the renunciation attachment (pratyākhyānamāna). From the renunciation attachment, the places of transition increase greatly in the renunciation anger, renunciation deceit, and renunciation greed. From the renunciation greed, the places of transition increase greatly in the infinite attachment (anantānubandhi māna). From the infinite attachment, the places of transition increase greatly in the infinite anger, infinite deceit, and infinite greed.