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Since the eight types of Pratirupaṇa or Anuyoga-dvāra were discussed in detail in the first part of the Ṣaṭkhaṇḍāgama, namely Jīvaṭṭhāna, the author considered it pointless or unnecessary to write about them in his work. Similarly, since the fourth type of Bandha was discussed in great detail in the sixth part of the Ṣaṭkhaṇḍāgama, namely Mahābandha, using twenty-four Anuyoga-dvāra, the author did not describe Bandha in the fourth Artha-adhikara of the present text, instead writing that the four types of Bandha are well-established, and therefore he is not writing anything about it.
It is clear from a comparative study of the two that the Chūrṇikāra's description of Anuyoga-dvāra such as Prākṛti, Sthiti, Anubhāga, and Pradesh-vibhakti, along with their ownership, is indebted to the second part of the Ṣaṭkhaṇḍāgama, namely Bandha-svāmitva, and the fourth part, namely Vedana. As an example, here is a quote from each text:
*Suhumani-gode-su kammaṭṭhi-dimacchhi* - The beings who are in the Suhumani-gode-jīve-su. *Taththa savyavahu-āṇi apjatta-lidovamassa asankhejj-adibhāgeṇa ūṇiyaṁ bhavaggahaṇāṇi dīhāo apjattaddhāo kammaṭṭhi-dimacchido.* There are many Apjatta-bhavas, and few Pajatta-bhavas. *Taththa yaṁ sansara-māṇassa tappa-prōgga-jaha-eṇayāṇi jōgaṭṭhāṇāṇi | abhikkhaṁ gado | tadō tappa-ōgga-jaha-* The beings who are in the Suhumani-gode-jīve-su. *Dīhāo apjattaddhāo rahas-sāyo pajaeiṇayāe vaḍḍhīe vaḍḍhido | jada jada | taddhāo | jada jada āu-aṁ bandhadi, tadā* There are many Apjatta-bhavas, and few Pajatta-bhavas. *Tadā tappa-ōggukkassaeṇa jōgeṇa bandhadi | heḍilliṇaṁ uvarilliṇa dvidīṇaṁ ṇiseyassa jaha-eṇapade dvidīṇaṁ ṇiseyassa ukkassapade-saṁ tappa-prōggaṁ | hechilliṇaṁ ṭṭidiṇa ṇiseyassa ukkassapade ukkassavisohi-ma-bhikkhaṁ gado, jāye abhava-* The beings who are in the Suhumani-gode-jīve-su. *Bahuso bahuso jaha-eṇāṇi jōgaṭṭhāṇāṇi siddi-ya-pāōggaṁ jahaṇṇagaṁ kammaṁ kadam gacchhadi | bahuso bahuso manda-saṁkile-sa-paritadō tasesu āgado saṁjamā-saṁjamaṁ saṁjamaṁ | nāmo bhavdi | xxxevaṁ ṇāṇā-bhava-sammattam ca bahuso laddhō | cattāri vāre gahaṇehi aṭṭha-saṁjama-kaṇḍayāṇi aṇupālaka-sāe uvasāmitta tadō ve chāvadvi-sāga-* There are many Apjatta-bhavas, and few Pajatta-bhavas. *Dōvamassa-āsakhejj-adibhāge-mettāṇi saṁjamā-mōhaṇīyaṁ khavedi | appachchima-dvidikhaṇḍaya-* The beings who are in the Suhumani-gode-jīve-su. *Saṁjama-kaṇḍayāṇi sammat-kaṇḍayāṇi ca aṇumavaṇijj-māṇaya-mavaṇi-damudaya-avaliyāe jaṁ pālai-tta xxx khavaṇāe abbuṭṭhido taṁ galamāṇa taṁ galidaṁ, jāadhe ekisse dvi-* There are many Apjatta-bhavas, and few Pajatta-bhavas. *Carima-samaya-chādu-matthō jādo | tassa carima-dīe du-samaya-kāla-hidiga sesa tāadhe micch-* The beings who are in the Suhumani-gode-jīve-su. *Samaya-chādu-matthassa ṇāṇā-varaṇīya-vedanā tassa jaha-eṇayaṁ pade-sa-santakamma | davva-dō jaha-eṇā.* There are many Apjatta-bhavas, and few Pajatta-bhavas.
(Pradesh-vi. sū. 21) (Vedana-khaṇḍa, Veyana-davva-vihāṇa) *See page 246.*