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## 286
Kasaya Pahud Sutta
[5 Sankrama-Arthadhikar
The natural transition is 4. When the bond is broken by the destroyer, there are two natural transitions in relation to the new bond transition. And when it is completely destroyed, there is one natural transition. Thus, there are eight, seven, six, five, two and one natural transitions in the two-natural bond state. Now, we will describe the transitions found in the one-natural bond state - when the destroyer with the existence of twenty-four natures destroys both the middle standards, a five-natural transition is found with the new bond of the burning maya. 1. Again, when the burning maya is destroyed, a four-natural transition is found. 2. When the destroyer with the existence of twenty-one natures destroys both the middle maya kasayas, a three-natural transition is found with the new bond of the burning maya. 3. When the burning maya is destroyed, there is a two-natural transition. 4. And a one-natural transition is found in the form of the transition of the burning maya by the destroyer who binds the burning greed. Thus, there are five, four, three, two and one natural transitions in the one-natural bond state. Thus, the description of transitions in the bond states is complete.
Diagram of transitions in the bond state of mohaniya karma
Bond state Transition
Bond state 27, 26, 25, 23
| 23,22,21,20,19,18,13,12,11,10 25, 21
| 14, 13, 12, 11, 4, 3 27, 26, 25, 23, 22, 21 | 3 | 11, 10, 9, 8,3,2 | 27, 26, 23, 22, 21 |
8,7, 6, 5, 2,1 9 27, 26, 23, 22, 21 |
_ Having described the one-combination break in the above manner, we now describe the two-combination break of the transitions based on both bond and existence - with the twenty-eight-nature existence state, there are twenty-seven, twenty-six and twenty-three-nature three transitions in the twenty-two-nature bond state. With the twenty-eight-nature existence state, there are twenty-five and twenty-one-nature two transitions in the twenty-one-nature bond state. With the same existence state, there are twenty-seven, twenty-six, twenty-five and twenty-three-nature four transitions in the seventeen-nature bond state. With the twenty-eight-nature existence state, there are twenty-seven, twenty-six and twenty-three-nature three transitions each in the thirteen and nine-nature bond states. In the above bond states, two-combination break is not possible with the twenty-eight-nature existence state. In this way, one should investigate the transitions by combining the bond states with each existence state as much as possible. Or, the transitions can be investigated by combining the existence states with each bond state as much as possible. Similarly, taking each existence state as the basis,