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## Chapter 22: Explanation of the Ownership of the Subtle and Gross States
**Verse 223**
The subtle state of the eighth *kapayoka* is superior to the three states of *apकर्षण* (repulsion), *उदय* (arising), and *अवकर्षण* (decline) for the one who has attained the final state of the eighth *kapayoka* and is not transitioning to any other state.
**Question:** For whom is the subtle state of the eighth *kapayoka* superior to the three states of *apकर्षण*, *उदय*, and *अवकर्षण*?
**Answer:** For the *gunita karma-āśik* (a being with accumulated karma) who has attained *asanyama* (non-restraint) by practicing the three *guna-śreṇī* (series of qualities): *samyama-samyama-guna-śreṇī* (series of qualities related to restraint), *darśana-mohaniya-kṣapaṇa-sambandhi-guna-śreṇī* (series of qualities related to the destruction of the obscurations of knowledge and faith), and *samyama-guna-śreṇī* (series of qualities related to restraint). When this *asanyata* (unrestrained) being attains the peak of these *guna-śreṇī* for the first time, the subtle state of the eighth *kapayoka* is superior to the three states of *apकर्षण*, *उदय*, and *अवकर्षण* for him.
**Question:** For whom is the subtle state superior to the three states of *apकर्षण*, *उदय*, and *अवकर्षण* in the case of *sanjvalana-krodha* (burning anger)?
**Answer:** For the *gunita karma-āśik* who is in the final state of *sanjvalana-krodha* and is not transitioning to any other state, the subtle state is superior to the three states of *apकर्षण*, *उदय*, and *अवकर्षण*.
**Note:** The subtle state of *sanjvalana-krodha* is also superior to the three states of *apकर्षण*, *उदय*, and *अवकर्षण* for the same being.
**Similarly:** The subtle state of *sanjvalana-māna* (burning pride) is superior to the four states of *apकर्षण*, *उदय*, *अवकर्षण*, and *अवकर्षण* for the being who is in the final state of *sanjvalana-māna* and is not transitioning to any other state.
**Similarly:** The subtle state of *sanjvalana-māyā* (burning delusion) is superior to the four states of *apकर्षण*, *उदय*, *अवकर्षण*, and *अवकर्षण* for the being who is in the final state of *sanjvalana-māyā* and is not transitioning to any other state.