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## Chapter 22: Explanation of the Meaning of Kṣīṇa-Akṣīṇa-Sthitika
**Verse 219**
**Question:** What is the state of one time-more than the state of the last time-passed?
**Answer:** The state which is less than the three time-less āvali from the jghana āvāha is this state. In other words, this state is situated by moving up from the jghana āvāha to the last time of the āvāha and then moving down by the amount of three time-less āvali from the last time of the āvāha.
**Commentary:** There are only so many object-alternatives for this state. But there are more than one non-object alternatives. This sequence should be known up to the time-more jghana āvāha. From the two time-more jghana āvāha, there is no kṣīṇa-sthitika from the top due to the utkarṣaṇa. In this way, the meaning of the kṣīṇa-sthitika from the top due to the utkarṣaṇa is finished.
**Commentary:** Now, we will talk about the kṣīṇa-sthitika from the transition. The karma-pradeśāgra which has entered the udya-āvali is kṣīṇa-sthitika from the transition, meaning it is not applicable for transition. But the pradeśāgra which is outside the udya-āvali and whose bandha-āvali has passed, is akṣīṇa-sthitika from the transition, meaning it is eligible for transition. There is no other alternative possible here.
**Commentary:** Now, we will talk about the kṣīṇa-sthitika from the udya. The karma-pradeśāgra which has risen, meaning it has come to the udya and given the fruit and is immediately dissolving, is kṣīṇa-sthitika from the udya. Besides this, all the pradeśāgra of other states are akṣīṇa-sthitika from the udya, meaning they should be known as eligible for udya. There is no other alternative possible here.
**Commentary:** Now, in this, we should explain the utkriṣṭa, anutkriṣṭa, jghana, and ajghana of each kṣīṇa-sthitika.
**Special Meaning:** For the special determination of the kṣīṇa-sthitika and akṣīṇa-sthitika in relation to the above mentioned upakarṣaṇa, utkarṣaṇa, saṃkramaṇa, and udya, we should explain the utkriṣṭa, anutkriṣṭa, ...