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## 176
**Explanation of the term "Anubhage" in the fourth मूल गाथा is complete. The division of Anubhagas is also complete.**
**[4. Division of Anubhagas]**
* **The number of Anubhaga-bandhaka-adhyavasaya-sthana is countless, as vast as the space of countless Lokakasha.** The Anubhaga-sthana that arise due to increase and decrease caused by Udvartana and Apavartana are called Hat-samutpatti-sthana. This is because "Hat" means destruction, and Udvartana and Apavartana cause destruction of the previous state. Therefore, the resulting places are called Hat-samutpatti. Their number is countless times greater than the number of Bandha-samutpatti-sthana. This is because, for each Bandha-samutpatti-sthana, countless distinctions are made due to Udvartana and Apavartana, which affect various Jivas.
* **The Anubhaga-sthana that arise after increase and decrease caused by Udvartana and Apavartana, and then further affected by Sthiti-ghata and Rasa-ghata, are called Hat-hat-samutpatti-sthana.** This is because they are first destroyed by Udvartana and Apavartana ("Hat"), and then further destroyed by Sthiti-ghata and Rasa-ghata ("Hat"). Their number is countless times greater than the number of Hat-samutpatti-sthana. This is because the Sanklesha and Vishuddhi of Jivas are constantly changing, and both are causes of Anubhaga-ghata.
**Thus, the meaning of the term "Anubhage" in the fourth मूल गाथा has been explained. The division of Anubhagas is now complete.**
**Some say that there are countless Lokakasha-chhatthana, which are Vadh-samutpatti-sthana, due to the decrease of Anubhaga-pachidiya-pajat-savvukkara.** This is because of the nature of Vadh-samutpatti.
**According to the theory of Anubhaga-sthana, the Anubhaga-sthana that are not Vadh-sthana are also Vadh-sthana.** This is because of the equality of Vadh-sthana.
**Again, among these countless Lokakasha-chhatthana, there are countless Lokakasha-chhatthana that are Hat-samutpatti-sankarma-sthana, due to the increase and decrease caused by the eight types of knowledge.** This is because of the nature of Vadh-sthana-ghata.
**Again, among these countless Lokakasha-chhatthana that are Hat-samutpatti-sankarma-sthana, there are countless Lokakasha-chhatthana that are Hrid-hat-samutpatti-sankarma-sthana, due to the increase and decrease caused by the eight types of knowledge.** This is because of the nature of Vadh-sthana-ghata, which causes the Anubhaga-sthana to be destroyed and then further destroyed by the Anubhaga-sthana-ghata.
**How can countless Anubhaga-sthana arise from a single Jiva-dravya?** This is not possible, because it would contradict the theory of Anubhaga-vadh-ghata-baadha-hetu-parinaama-sajo, which states that knowledge arises from the destruction of Anubhagas.
**These three types of Anubhaga-sthana do not have a state of suffering, but they are still subject to destruction.** This is a contradiction.