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## Kasaya Pahud Sutta (English Translation)
**Kasaya Pahud Sutta**
[3 Sthitivibhakti]
**1.** **179.** Ukkassa and Anukassa, starting from one moment, go up to Antahkoda Kodi. **180.** Aradhi-Soga, Dvidivihatti, what is Ukkassa, Anukassa? **181.** Ukkassa or Anukassa. **182.** Ukkassa and Anukassa, starting from one moment, go up to twenty Sagaropama Kodi, Palyopama, and countless divisions. **183.** Thus, for the Striveda. **184.** For the Napumsakaved, Anukassa is the rule. **185.** Bhaya-Durguchhana, Dvidivihatti, what is Ukkassa, Anukassa? **186.** Ukkassa is the rule. **187.** Just as it is with the Striveda, so it is with the rest of the Karmas. **188.** The difference should be known.
If there is bondage of the Prakruti, then there is Ukkassa Sthitivibhakti for both Prakruti. If there is no bondage, then there is Anukassa Sthitivibhakti.
**Churnisu:** (0) Anukassa Sthitivibhakti for the Ukkassa Sthitivibhakti is from one moment to Antahkoda Kodi Sagaropama. For the Striveda, what is the Sthitivibhakti of Aradhi and Soga, Ukkassa or Anukassa? It is both Ukkassa and Anukassa. **179-181**
**Special Explanation:** The reason is that if there is bondage of Aradhi and Soga during the bondage period of Striveda, then there will be Ukkassa Sthitivibhakti, otherwise, there will be Anukassa Sthitivibhakti. **Churnisu:** Anukassa Sthitivibhakti for Aradhi and Soga, for the Ukkassa Sthitivibhakti, is from one moment to twenty Kodi Sagaropama, Palyopama, and countless divisions. **182**
**Churnisu:** Just as the Sthitivibhakti of Aradhi and Soga, which are bound by the Ukkassa Sthitivibhakti of Striveda, has been explained, so also the Sthitivibhakti of Napumsakaved should be known. The only difference is that the Sthitivibhakti of Napumsakaved is Anukassa by rule. The reason is that there is no bondage of Napumsakaved with Striveda. **183-184**
**Churnisu:** For the Striveda, what is the Sthitivibhakti of Bhaya and Durguchhana, Ukkassa or Anukassa? By rule, it is Ukkassa. The reason is that during the time of bondage of Striveda, the bondage of Bhaya and Durguchhana Prakruti is by rule. **185-186**
**Churnisu:** Just as the Sthitivibhakti of the Karmas has been explained in relation to the Striveda, which is bound by the Ukkassa Sthitivibhakti, so also the Sthitivibhakti of Hasy, Rati, and Purushaveda, in relation to the rest of the Karma Prakruti, should be known. But the difference should be known. **187-188**
**Special Explanation:** The meaning and the special features that have been explained in the above Samarpana Sutra, ...