to be taken when one comes in contact with dirty women, eunuchs, Shudras, cats and mice. The Mahendra consists in wetting one's body with rain accompanied with sunshine; Pavana, in taking on the body the dust rai sed by the hoofs of cows; Mantra in sprinkling water with the mantra pagar etc., and Manasa, in reflecting on God Shiva, prior to taking breathing exercises ( ম).
TARPANA, a. subsidiary constituent part of Snana consists according to the present work, in offering water to the mantra-deities, gods, sages, seven superhuman persons janaka etc, spirits, Manes, Quarters, Guardians of the Quarters, Siddhas, Mothers, Planets, Rakshasás · and Acharyas.
BHOJANA. One should sit down to eat food in one line with those who belong to his own - caste. The vessels or plates in which the food is to be taken should be made of gold, silver,..copper and iron respectively for Acharya, Sadaka, Putra and Samayin In ab. sence of metalware, leaves of Palasha, lotus etc. may be used, but those of Vata, Ashwatha etc, are to be avoided. It further prescribes some injunctions about the quantity