rature. The author has drawn extensively upon the ancient works such as Lilavati, Maheshottara, Svacchanda, Parameshvara and other Shastras of this type. In conception this work is throughout Shaivite and lays down rules and regulations pertaining to the daily practices of an orthodox Hiudu, who is a rigid follower of the Tantric system.
Principal subjets thit find treatment in the body of the book are enumerated below:
SNANA. The elaborate procedure to be adopted in five kinds of Snanas, namely-Mala, Vidhi Varuna, Agneya, Mahendra, Pavana, Mantra and Manasa is described in detail. Out of these the Mala consists in employing earth, like soap, to remove all dirt that may have accumulated on the body, it is a kind of preparatory bath taken before the principal one i. e. Vidhi Snana (obligatory bath). The Varuna is the bath with water (as Varuna is the lord of water) which is to be taken if one touches a pigeon, fowl, murderer, crow, heron, ass, horse, cat, pig, vulture, camel, cremation ground, an out-cast, a corpse, and a women who has recently delivered. The Agneya, which consists, in smearing the body with ashes, is ordained