FOREWORD The present edition of the Karmakanda: kramavali by Somashambhu printed as No. LXXIII of the Kashmir Series of the Texts and Studies is based on the following Manuscript-material:
(9) Belonging to the Research Department, Script: Sharada. Consists of 61 leaves with 16 lines per page, each line having 40 syllables. Size 8" x 53". Date Ashada 1920 Anno Vikrami. correct. : ...
(a) This manuscript belongs to Pt. Shyam Lal Jatu of Srinagar. It was procured on hire from the said Pandit for collation. It contains 100 leaves with 10 lines per page. Syllables on a line 30. Script: Sharada. Size 8" x 10". correct.
(1T) Belongs to Dr. Shivnath Shastri, Acharya, D.O.C., etc. of this Department. Script Sharda. Size: Talapatra. Leaves 329. Lines per page 30. Syllables on a line 29. Date Saptarshi 4823.
The Karmakandakramavali is a small compendium based on the Shaiva 'ritualistic lite