of food to be eaten and the method of taking water.
Similarly such topics as Bhakshyabhakshya (what food should one partake or what not). Antyeshti (funeral rites), Shraddha (rites performed for the deceased ancestors), Prayashchitta (expiation), Pratishtha ( dedication of works of public utility and of temples and shrines) and Diksha (consecration) are described in greater or less detail.
It is usual with the mediaeval authors from Kashmir to give dates in Saptarshi, Kali or Shaka' eras, but the present work records its date in the Vikrami Samvat. We can, therefore, safely presume that our author does not belong to Kashmir. He flousihed in the latter half of the IIth century A. D. as is clearly borne out by the following colophon:श्रीविक्रमार्कनृपकालसमुद्भवेषु ।
शून्याग्निभिः समधिकेषु च तच्छतेषु । एकादशस्वमलशास्त्रमिदं (११३०) समस्तं
ग्रन्थस्य देशिकमतस्य सहस्रयुग्मम् ।। ईशाननामा शिवतुल्यधामा
तस्यापि शिष्यो विमलेशनामा ।