( 23 ) 1. "यस्य च रिपुमहिला वनमध्यमध्यासीनाः..."स्वशिशुभ्यः पूर्ववासनावशेन क्रीडाराजहंस
मानयेति निर्भयिद्भ्यो बाष्पाम्बुपूरपूरितवदनकमलनयनमीनप्रतिविम्वपरिष्कृतस्तनान्तरसरोवरप्रतिफलितचन्द्रमसं निर्दिश्यायं ते हंसो ममापि विरहाग्निव्यालीढवपुषस्तथेति परिसान्त्वयामासुः।"
एतद्धीतारिनारी गिरिबिलविगलद्वासरा निःसरन्ती स्वक्रीडाहंसमोहनहिलशिशुभृशप्रार्थितोन्निद्रचन्द्रा । आक्रन्दद्भरि यत्तन्नयनजलमिलचन्द्रहंसानुबिम्ब
प्रत्यासत्तिप्रहृष्यत्तनयविहसितैराश्वसीन्यश्वसीच ।। Haricandra is thus one of the earliest pcets to be influenced by Sriharsa's famous poem.
The date of Haricandrz is not precisely known. He must be considerably later than Vādībhasimha whose literary activity belongs to the early years of the eleventh century A.D. A further clue is furnished by a dated Ms. of Haricandra's Dharmasarmābhyudaya preserved in the Sanghavi Pada Bhandara at Pattan, which was copied in Samrat 1287 (-56 =1231 A.D.), as mentioned in A Descriptive Cittalogue of Manuscripts in the Jain Bhandars at Pattan, Vol. 1, p. 32, Baroda 1937. From this it would be reasonable to suppose that the composition of Haricandra's poem could not have been later than, say, 1175 A.D. We shall not therefore be far wrong if we say that Haricandra flourished sometime between 1075 A.D. and 1175 A.D. Unfortunately Haricaudra's acquaintance with Sriharşa's Naişadhiyacarita does not help us to determine his date more precisely, as it is not certain whether that work belongs to the eleventh or twelfth century, a point which se hope to discuss elsewhere.
In conclusion, I must express my thanks to my esteemed friend Dr. A. N. Upadhye for inviting me to write a few lines introducing this excellent edition of a neglected work to students of Sanskrit literature,
Jorhat (Assam)