( 22 ) dhara in Jirandharacanya (Book )) Thich goes far beyond its counterpart in Vādibhasimha's sadyacintāmaņi (Book X).
Haricandra, the author of JīTandharacampū, appears to be the same as Haricandra who wrote the Dharnasarmabhyudaya Kávya in twenty Cantos. Kuppuswami Sastri, in his edition of Jivandhara campu, points out a number of strikiog verbal resemblances between the two works. For example, Jivandharacampil XI. 43 :
केयं लक्ष्मीरपारा क्व खलु जिनपते निश्चलं निःस्पृहत्वं क्वासौ सुस्पष्टबोधः सकलविषयकः क्वेशानुद्धतत्वम् । रे रे सर्वे कुतीर्था वदत निजधियेत्येवमामन्द्रनादी
भीः स्वामिन् दुन्दुभिस्ते वदति जलधरध्वानपूरानुकारी॥ Dharmasarmābhyudaya XX. 99 :
क्वेयं लक्ष्मीः क्वेदृशं निःस्पृहत्वं क्वेदं ज्ञानं क्वास्त्यनौद्धत्यमीहक् ।
रे रे ब्रूत द्राक्कुतीर्था इतीव ज्ञाने भतुर्दुन्दुभिर्योम्न्यवादीत् ॥ It may also be pointed out that there is a remarkable similarity between the following lines of a Prasasti verse occurring in Jivandharacampī and Dharmaśarmābhyudaya respectively :
(1) विधत्तां वाग्देव्या सह परिचयं श्रीरनुदिनं ।
मतं जैनं जीयाद्विलसतु च भक्तिर्जिनपतौ ॥ (2) जीयाज्जैनमिदं मतं शमयतु करानपीयं कृपा ।
भारत्या सह शीलयत्वविरतं श्रीः साहचर्यव्रतम् ।। It has been pointed out by scholars that Haricandra shows Māgha's influence in his Dharmaśarmābhyudaya, but it is not so well-known that he shows his acquaintence not only with Māgha's work but also with Sriharsa's Naisadhiya-carita. in his Jivaandharacampu, The verse in the latter work has a close resemblance to a verse in the former : 1. JC II 51: सरोजयुग्मं बहुधा तपःस्थितं बभूव तस्याश्चरणद्वयं ध्रुवम्।
न चेत् कथं तत्र च हंसकाविमौ समेत्य हृद्यं तनुतां कलस्वनम् ।। 2. NC II. 38 : जलजे रविसेवयेव ये पदमेतत्पदतामवापतुः ।
ध्रुवमेत्य रुतः सहंसकीकुरुतस्ते विधिपत्रदंपती ।।
The following passage in the Jivandharacampū (I) is a somewhat clumsy adaptation of a verse in Sriharşa's poem (XII. 28) :