( 20 ) tural purpose ; and all its publications are enriching our national language, Hindi.
Shri Ayodhya Prasād Goyaliya is pushing the activities of the Jūānapītha with great sincerity and zeal. Thanks are due to Pt. Pannālal Sāhityāchārya, who has edited the Jivandhara-campū with his Sanskrit commentary and Hindi Anuvāda. It is very kind of, and we are very thankful to, Professor K. K. Handiqui, one of the leading Sanskritists of our land, for his excellent Fore Tord which precisely assesses the position of CJ in Sanskrit literature. It is earnestly hoped that this cdition will give fresh impetus to further researches so well begun by T. S. Kuppuswami Sastri and E. Hultzch in the story of Jivandhara and the literature associated with it.
A. N. Upadhye H. L. Jain
6th March, 1958