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These studies cannot be pursued easily in the absence of critical or authentic editions of the texts accompanied by detailed analysis or translation either in English or Hindi which alone will bring their contents within the easy reach of all.
The editions of the Sanskrit texts dealing with the story of Jivandhara brought out by T. S. Kuppuswami Sastri have proved landmarks in Sanskrit literature, and some of them were prescribed even for the University examinations. But it is to be regretted that no subsequent editions of GC and CJ by using additional Mss. material were brought out during the last fifty years; and the copies of the first edition are no more available. The KC was reprinted more than once primarily for the attraction of Jivandhara's story and of numerous arthantaranyasas pregnant with great worldly wisdom with which the text is replete; but none of the subsequent editions equals the excellent edition of Kuppuswami Sastri.
To meet this deficiency and to encourage further studies about the tale of Jivandhara and the literature bearing on it, it is proposed to make available the various texts in authentic and suitable editions based on additional material. This edition of CJ is the first step in that direction. Manuscripts of CJ are reported from Arrah, Bombay and Mysore. The present edition is an advance on the earlier editions; one more Ms. is used; the learned editor has explained the text in his lucid Sanskrit commentary; and further he has equipped the edition with a running Hindi translation.
We record our sense of gratitu le to Shriman Sheth Shanti Prasadaji and his accomplished wife Shrimati Rama Raniji who founded the Bharatiya Jñanapitha which is publishing important Prakrit and Sanskrit works. Words fall short to express adequately the spirit of self-sacrifice and love of learning for its own sake of these great patrons of learning. Shri Shanti Prasadaji reminds us of Chamundaraya, Vastupala and Tejapala, and Shrimati Ramā Rāniji is following the great traditions of Danacintamani Attimabbe. If the Jñānapīṭha Lokodaya Granthamālā aims at educating the public at large, the Jñanapitha Murtidevi Jaina Granthamālā not only maintains the prestige but is also advancing the cause of ancient Indian learning, especially in its neglected branches. Thus the Jñanapitha is really serving a national cause and a great cul