that of celibacy. But a householder has advised to consider all women except one's wife as mother, sister or daughter.
(E) Aparigrala or the vow of non-possession-A house holder should try to limit his activities for possessions Because parigraha is the cause of all attachments and it is also an obstacle to self realisation
Again, the Jainas have divided the five vows in two grades, the small vows (Anuvrata) and the great vows (mahavrata) The small vows are for the householders, these are the partial vows. These are not very strict, because a householder has some responsibilities towards his family. society and country And the great vows are for the monks who have not any attachment towards either the family or society or country Therefore, the vows for the monks are more strict than the householders, as for example, a householder can comit virodhihimsa in self defence but a monk cannot commit any kind of violence. He must over power all difficulties due to his high moral and spiritual power
The difference between the anuyrata and mahavrata lies in quantity not in quality, The fundamental spirit behind the vows is the same We can say that the vows of the householder is the first step towards self discipline, while the mahavratas are the final stage of discipline All vows should be observed in thought, speech and action. Otherwise they would not fulfil the aim to reach high moral and spiritual end.
We have gone through a short description of the triratna or the threefold path of the Jainas. Right faith, right knowledge and right conduct cannot exist exclusively to each other Right conduct with right faith and right knowledge only can lead to perfection of the self. Bodily and mental discipline is useless if one follows it blindly Therefore the Jainas assert samyaka darsana and samyakajnana as the necessary conditions for the success of samyaka caritra. In other words, samyaka darsana and samyaka jmana are the states of belief and feeling and have their spiritual significance while, samyaka charitra is a ground for moral end All the three have theu equal value and the three are the supplementary to each other