Chhotadiwanji Jain Temple
Granth Bhandar
This granth Bhandar is situated in the Jaina temple Chhota Diwan ji at LAL JI SAND-KA-RASTA in Chowkari Modi Khana, Jaipur.
The total number of manuscripts of the Bhandar is : 850. Out of these 350 manuscripts are incomplete. The subjects covered by these manuscripts pertaing to PUJA, PURANA, KATHA, STOTRA.
The manuscripts have been properly classified and arranged in serial number. The details of some of the manuscripts are as No. 1
. . Size - 12}" X 8" Extent -630 Folios, 13 lines per page, 36 Letters per line Description - Country paper, rough and greyish; Devanagari characters ...,
in bold, clear and fair hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines, red chalk used; the condition of the manuscript is satisfactory; it is a complete work; Languages-Text ini
Prakrit and commentary in Sanskrit. Date of the Copy _V.S. 1908 Subject -ACHAR SHASTRA . Begins - 77: fe pt: 11 गाथा-सिद्धे जयप्य सिद्दे चउविहाराहण . . . फलंपत्ते । FECT A
FITTEST WHAT 11 9 11 Ends. -खमदमणियम .. वराणं धुदरयसुहदुख विप्पजुत्ताणं
trusife q emauf zu fouTu!! P860 !!! अर्थ-पूर्व अवस्था में धारण किया है क्षमा और इन्द्रियन का दमन पर नियम :- जिननें पर बहुरि नष्ट किया है । कर्मरूपरंज जिनने पर इन्द्रिय जनित सुख