This question is too much like the qu*tion why 12 the beauty of a thing a reason for admiring it ? ...... Thus it is inconsistent to deny that probable conclusion are to be preferred.
Ibid. p. 60.
Yet an argument from success in the past to probable success in the future itself uses an Inductive rule, and therefore seems circular. Nothing would be accomplished by any argument that needed to 48uro the reliability of an Inductive mule inorder to establish the rula', malleability.
Self suprorting argument, VIII part of the symposium on Inductive evidence, on Inductions, Chap. III
Ibid, p. 126.
The so called self-supporting arguments are circular in the following precise sense. The conclusiveness of the argument cannot be established without assuring the truth of conclusion. It happens, in the case, that the assumption of the truth at the conclusion 19 required to establish the correctness of the rules of Inference used rather than the truth of the premises, but that makes the argument no less viciously circular. Quid P131
Ibid. p. 131.