सन्दर्भ और टिप्पणी
तताना, 1.16
नया, माइतलाल, सं00 कैलाशचन्द्र पास्त्री, भारतीय ज्ञानपीठ पुकामान, गाथा 163.
पट्टी, गाधा 179.
वही, गाधा 18.
अनन्यायमण्डखाध, प्रलोक 53.
यस्य तु अर्धस्याच्यावसायानाराणि शतानि । यता न विपतिपत्थो दृष्यस्याध्यवसायस्थानानाराणि एतानि ।।
सपासूत्र, 1.35 अनन्सपायात्मकस्य वस्तुना न्यामपयायाधिगमे । करतध्ये जाप्युफ्त्योपक्षी निधमयोगो नमः ।।
बाबायपाइ, जयाला टीका, 81.
The three dimensional world seen by one mint therefore contains no place in common with that seem by another for places can only be constitute1 hy the things in or around them. Mance we may suppose, inspite of the differences between the different worlds, that each exists entirely exactly as it perceived, ant might be exactly as 19 evn 1€ it were not perceived. We may further suppose that there are an infinite number of such worlds which are infact unperceived.....
On our knowledge of the matemal world, p. 94.
.......... I shall contine the expression Private world, to such views of universe which are actually perceived. Thus a private world is a perceived "perspective" but then may be any number of unperceived perspectives.............