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Some people argue that the kill ng cf animals and birds is necessary in order to check their increase in number so that they may not be a menace to us. This is only a fanciful excuse. We need not worry oursele ves regarding the increase of animals and birds. There is what is called the Balance of Nature working always. Every man is expected to live as harmlessly as possible helping those around him according to his means and power, and be a friend of all and enemy of none.
Jainism and the Caste System The caste system based on birth is peculiar to India. It is a positive hindrance to the progrese of the human society. Hinduism recognises four castes based on birth namely Brahmin (priest), Kshatriya (warrior), Viashya (merchant) and Shudra (servant). Jainisn does not recognise any of these castes as based on birth. In Jaina books these words are used only to show the professions which these people follow.All men are equal by birth They ditfer only as regards the avocations they follow. A chandala or Hanjan, if he is a follower of Ahimsa and has right faith in the doctrines of Jainism is far superior to a deva who has no faith. Every person is at liberty to follow any profession he likes or is fit to take up provided it is free from Himsa. It is no exaggeration to say that Mahatma Gandhi has given a death-blow to the caste system in India by fousing up the consciousness of the depressed people, by appealing to the enlightened members of the society