1 36 1 and by actually living in the niidst of Harija'is and working for their welfare and amul pration. According 10 Jainism a San yakdris iti or rigle believer should be frie from the pride of casic.
Is Jainism a Nastika Systen ? Jain $ 11, Buddhism and C.jarval'a System are said to bc nos-Vedic systems, as they do not accept the auhority of the Vedas. For that reason they are also dubbed as rasisl a schools of thought. Thus is only a Thomer. According to an accepied definition, a mastí a system is onc s luich sloes not believe in Alma, Meksha and Molish - Marga. If this cricrion is adopred then the Clarvaka alorc ill come under this class ficaricu. One oslo studies Jainism and the other