( 34 ) our household duties, 3. in carrying on our profession and 4 in fighting our enemies. The layman or the house holder is prohibited from doing any 'Himsa' with a deliberate intention. The other three kinds of 'Himsa must be as less as possible. The ascetics should abstain from all kinds of Himsa.
It is said that the Jainas have carried the doctrine of Ahimsa to its logical conclusion and hence it is not possible to practise it. This is only a nis conception. Nothing is difficult for a man if he has only the will to do it. Mahatma Gandhi, the greatest per sonality of this age is the most prominent proof of the possibility of practising Ahimsa as taught by Jainism and that too with wonderful success.
In order to make the practice of Ahimsa easy the Jaina Scriptures enjoin that the follower of Ahimsa should hove control of speech, control of mind, carefulness in walking, care in lifting up and laying down things and should thoroughly examine his food and drink before taking then. Also he should avoid tying up, beating, mutilating or overloading animals or human beings and withholding food or drink from them due to anger or carelessness. Buddhisın also preaches Ahimsa but its followers have taken to flesh eating for some reason or other. Unlike the Buddhists, the Jainas hold an uncompromising attitude. No Jaina allowed to take flesh or commit Himsa for any reason.
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