PAGE 63 LINE-T, arata is the definite finding of the particulars.
LINE 2, ETCUT is the lasting impression which results safter the object with its particulars, is definitely ascertained. This impression enables us to remember the object, afterwards.
-PAGE 64 LINE 3 As „these four Avagraha etc. are due to sense perception, they are called इन्द्रियप्रत्यक्ष.
LINE 4. Mind ( manas ) is called afsu and knowledge through Mind Is अतीन्द्रियप्रत्यक्ष.
PAGE 65, LINE 6. 9rHifi4a is that which is apprehended by Atma immediately and directly. It is of-two 'kinds सकल ( perfect ) and विकल ( imperfect) केवलज्ञान (omnis
cient knowledge ) comes under Sakala. Pratyakshagafar (the psychic knowledge which is directly acquired by the soul without the medium of the mind or the senses-) and 47: quiu ( knowledge of the ideas and thoughts of others ) come under Vikala Pratyaksha.
DAGE 66 LINE 7 go494TY FOOTFA The subject her of Keyala nana is all the substances in all their modi
ens Keyala Jnana or omniscience is knowledge unlimited as to space, time or object.
DAGE 69. LINE S. Paroksha Pramana is of live kinds, Fafe, gaafATH, 75, AGATA and ATT#.
PAGE 32, LINE S. Fifa is the remembrance of an object
ce seen. #9fTtf is identifying that object with what we have seen, 'scad or heard about as is knowledge of