( 85€)
is named Udyogajanya, and Himsa committed in protecting oneself from enemies is said to be Virodhajanyai
PAGE 142, LINE 10. The above four forms of himsa are in relation to laymene. In the life of a for or ascetic these are not possible. A Muni regards all alike. There is no difference for him between a friend and a foe or between praise and abuse All his actions are permeated with Ahimsa.
PAGE 148, LINE 2, FRITLA or right belief should be free from pride due to caste etc.
is an aspect from which things
PAGE 154, LINE 3, fire are studied.
is of four "kinds:--TH, POTEFT, ?
PAGE 156, LINE 4. F 564, HTTI
Freq-the mere naming of a person even though he may not possess the qualities connected by the name e. g. naming a man Mahavira even though he may have no bravery or वीरत्व in him. स्थापना निक्षेप-is the representation of one thing by another. It is of two kinds:-a.ga and 1969. The first is the representation of a person by his statue or picture. The second is the representation by symbols or letters, e. g. X is equal to 100.
PAGE 159, LINE 9, sou fant is attributing to a person the qualities which he may possess only latter on e. g. to call a Xuvaraja as Raja.
PAGE 160, LINE 3. It is of two kinds:-1746cafea and AT AFTEouflag Agama Dravya Nikshepa e. go to call a