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is the quality of "Atma, colour, taste, smell, touch etc. are the characteristics of matter. ETANCAT is the quality which is attributed to a thing for the time being, but which is not its inherent characterístic, cog. to call a man having a stick (dandà) as the stick man.
PAGE 53 LINE 7. TUTAF is defined as the fallacy of 'attributing to a thing'a 'quality which is not its own. It is of three kinds, अव्याप्त, अतिव्याप्त and असंभवि. Avyapta is that which is not found in all the objects belonging to a species, eg. a specific colour of a cow is not found in all the cows. Ativyapta to attribute the name of a bigger class to a smaller one, e. g. cows are animals. But really animals include not only cows'but buffaloes and several other kinds of quadrupeds. Asanibhavi is to speak of a thing as having an impossible attribute e. g. to describe a man as possessing a horn.
PAGE 58 LINE 8 4485177-tight knowledge. finna false knowledge.
PAGE ON LINE 11. FUETTARI immediate and direct apprehension of reality tentu Mediate and indirect apprehension of reality
DAGE 62 LINE s 'HEUEFA is knowledge which is derived through the five senses and mind for worldly purposes.
LINE 9. que is the initial knowledge about an object after it is brought into contact with a'sense organ
PAGE 62 LINE 10: fer is the desire' to 'know the parti'culars of the object