r PoE)
PAGE 47, LINE S. FREEL ( Right Knowledge) is the detailed cognition of the real nature of the soul and the nonsoul, and is free from Samsaya (doubt). Viparyaya (perver. sity) and Anadhyavasaya (indefiniteness). Samsaya consists of doubt when the mind sways between one thing and another without being able to assert the true nature of anything e. g. doubting whether the object seen at a distance is a man or a post. Viparyaya is the cognition of an object as something which is quite the contrary of its real self, e. g. thinking nacre to be silver, Anadhyavasaya is knowledge of something without any clear idea as to what it is really, e. g. touching something without knowing what it is.
PAGE 47, LINE 5.
F ifa According to Vyavahara Naya Samyak Charitra consists of Vratas (Vows), Samitis (attitudes of carefulness) and Guptis (Restraints) and refrains from pursuing what is harmful. But according to Nischaya Naya the checking of external and internal actions is Samyak Charitra :
LINE 8. That external actions such as committing the five sins. Abhyantara Kriya-internal actions such as three kinds of Yoga of body, speech and mind and the four kinds of passions anger, pride, deceit and greed.
PAGE 52LINE 4. लक्षण, प्रमाण, नय and निक्षेप Knowledge of the soul and the non-soul is not possible except through these four.
LINE 8. U Is that which helps us to distinguish beteen different things. It is of two kinds. Hy one's own inherent quality. 6. 8. heat is the quality of fire, consciousness