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and who is possessed of right faith, right knowledge and right conduct. A Sadhu is one who is always engaged in practising perfect conduct based on perfect faith and perfect knowledge and doing penances.
LINE S.सशरीर परमात्मा Supreme Self with body अशरीर 4RHIEHT Supreme Self without body.
LINE 7 gifai Karmas which destroy the natural characteristics of the soul. Tirthamkaras and other omniscient beings in the 13th and 14th stages of spiritual developnient (gunasthanas) are called Sasharira Paramatma. That Paramatman with body, in the 13th Gunasthana, who shows the path to the believing souls, to cross the ocean of births and deaths, is called Tirthamkara. He is also called by the names of Arhat, Jinendra and Apta.
PAGE 23 LINE 7. T RY THEAT is Siddha.
PAGE 24 LINE 2. Eta ( metter ), ai principle of motion ) अधर्म (principle of rest), आकाश (Space), and काल (Time) These five together with Jiva or Soul form the six Dravyas or substances. That which has qualities and modes
is called #, real substance. It has the characteristic of persis-" tence through change. Its intrinsic qualities are always * '. anent, but its modifications appear SEITE and disappear 1 . For example a lump of gold has the intrinsic qualities of
yellow colour and malleability which never change. But the lumpness of the gold may disappear (vyaya) and take the form of a clain ( utpada ). This chain may be destroyed (vyaya) and made into a cup (utpada). Dravya is that which has a permanent substantiality which manifests through